How Do You Make Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Fudge: Easy Recipe

To make old-fashioned peanut butter fudge, combine sugar, milk, and butter, then add peanut butter and vanilla. Stir until smooth and pour into a pan to set.

Old-fashioned peanut butter fudge is a timeless treat loved by many. Its rich, creamy texture and sweet, nutty flavor make it a favorite during holidays and special occasions. The recipe involves simple ingredients like sugar, milk, butter, and peanut butter, making it accessible for any home cook.

Preparing this fudge requires careful stirring and attention to ensure a smooth consistency. Whether you are a seasoned baker or a beginner, this classic dessert is easy to make and always a crowd-pleaser. Enjoy the nostalgic taste of homemade peanut butter fudge with family and friends.

Ingredients List

Crafting old-fashioned peanut butter fudge is a delightful process. The key to success lies in the ingredients. Below is a detailed list of what you’ll need.

Essential Ingredients

  • Peanut Butter: Use creamy or chunky based on preference.
  • Sugar: Granulated sugar works best for this recipe.
  • Milk: Whole milk gives a richer taste.
  • Butter: Unsalted butter is ideal.
  • Vanilla Extract: Adds a hint of sweetness and aroma.

Optional Additions

  • Chopped Nuts: Add for extra crunch.
  • Chocolate Chips: For a chocolatey twist.
  • Sea Salt: Sprinkle for a salty-sweet flavor.
  • Marshmallows: Mix in for a gooey texture.
Ingredient Quantity
Peanut Butter 1 cup
Sugar 2 cups
Milk 1/2 cup
Butter 1/4 cup
Vanilla Extract 1 tsp
Chopped Nuts 1/2 cup (optional)
Chocolate Chips 1/2 cup (optional)
Sea Salt 1 pinch (optional)
Marshmallows 1/2 cup (optional)

Preparation Steps

Making old-fashioned peanut butter fudge is a delightful experience. By following these simple preparation steps, you can create a delicious treat that everyone will love. Let’s dive into the steps to ensure your fudge comes out perfectly.

Gathering Supplies

First, gather all the necessary supplies. Having everything ready makes the process smoother and more enjoyable.

  • Mixing bowls: You will need at least two.
  • Saucepan: A medium-sized one works best.
  • Wooden spoon: Ideal for stirring your mixture.
  • Measuring cups: Ensure you have both liquid and dry measuring cups.
  • Baking dish: A square 8×8 inch dish is perfect.
  • Parchment paper: This helps with easy removal of fudge.

Measuring Ingredients

Accurate measurement is crucial for the perfect fudge. Let’s list the ingredients needed and their precise amounts.

Ingredient Amount
Peanut butter 1 cup
Sugar 2 cups
Milk 1/2 cup
Butter 1/4 cup
Vanilla extract 1 tsp

Follow these steps to measure your ingredients accurately:

  1. Use a measuring cup for peanut butter. Scoop and level it.
  2. Measure sugar with a dry measuring cup. Level the top.
  3. Use a liquid measuring cup for milk. Pour to the right level.
  4. Slice and measure butter using a knife and measuring guide.
  5. Use a teaspoon for the vanilla extract. Pour carefully.

With your supplies gathered and ingredients measured, you’re ready to start making your old-fashioned peanut butter fudge. Stay tuned for the next steps in our recipe!

Cooking Process

Making old-fashioned peanut butter fudge is a delightful experience. The cooking process is straightforward and requires some attention to detail. Follow these steps to achieve the perfect fudge consistency.

Heating Mixture

Start by combining sugar, milk, and butter in a saucepan. Use a heavy-bottomed pan to prevent burning. Place the saucepan over medium heat. Stir the mixture constantly until the sugar dissolves.

Bring the mixture to a boil. Do not stop stirring. Boil for about 5 minutes or until it reaches 234°F (112°C) on a candy thermometer. This temperature is crucial for the fudge texture.

Achieving The Right Consistency

Remove the saucepan from the heat. Add the peanut butter and vanilla extract. Stir until the peanut butter melts completely. The mixture should be smooth and creamy.

Pour the mixture into a buttered dish. Allow it to cool at room temperature. Do not refrigerate immediately. Once it is set, cut into squares and enjoy your old-fashioned peanut butter fudge!

Ingredients Quantity
Sugar 2 cups
Milk 1/2 cup
Butter 1/4 cup
Peanut Butter 3/4 cup
Vanilla Extract 1 tsp
  1. Combine sugar, milk, and butter in a saucepan.
  2. Heat over medium, stirring constantly.
  3. Boil the mixture until it reaches 234°F (112°C).
  4. Remove from heat and add peanut butter and vanilla.
  5. Stir until smooth and pour into a buttered dish.
  6. Let it cool and set at room temperature.
How Do You Make Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Fudge: Easy Recipe

Cooling And Setting

Cooling and setting your old-fashioned peanut butter fudge is crucial. This step ensures the perfect texture. Follow these steps to make your fudge delicious and smooth.

Pouring Into Pan

After cooking the fudge, pour it into a prepared pan. Use a buttered or lined pan for easy removal. Spread the fudge evenly using a spatula. This helps in setting the fudge uniformly. Let it cool at room temperature for a while.

Allowing To Set

Once poured, the fudge needs time to set. Place the pan in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. This helps the fudge firm up. Avoid checking too soon to keep the texture perfect. Once set, cut the fudge into squares and enjoy!

Cutting And Serving

Cutting and serving old-fashioned peanut butter fudge is an art. After preparing your fudge, it’s crucial to cut and serve it correctly. This ensures every piece is a sweet delight. Follow these steps for perfect results.

Cutting Into Pieces

Once the fudge is set, use a sharp knife. This helps in getting clean cuts. Before cutting, dip the knife in hot water. Dry it off quickly. This prevents sticking and makes slicing smoother.

Cut the fudge into equal pieces. A standard size is 1-inch squares. This size is perfect for serving. You can use a ruler for precision. If you prefer, cut into larger or smaller pieces.

Wipe the knife after each cut. This keeps the edges clean. Repeat until all fudge is sliced. Your pieces should look neat and inviting.

Serving Suggestions

Arrange the fudge pieces on a platter. You can use a decorative plate. This adds a special touch. Place wax paper between layers if stacking. This prevents sticking and keeps them fresh.

For a festive touch, add a sprinkle of sea salt. This enhances the flavor. Or, drizzle some melted chocolate on top. This adds a rich taste and looks appealing.

Serve the fudge with coffee or tea. It makes a delightful treat. Kids and adults will love the sweet and creamy texture. Enjoy your homemade old-fashioned peanut butter fudge!

Storage Tips

Proper storage is crucial to keep your old-fashioned peanut butter fudge fresh. This section will guide you on the best ways to store your delicious treat.

Room Temperature

If you plan to consume your fudge within a few days, storing it at room temperature is ideal. Follow these steps:

  • Wrap the fudge tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.
  • Place the wrapped fudge in an airtight container.
  • Store the container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Your fudge will stay fresh for up to a week at room temperature. Ensure the container is sealed to prevent moisture and air from affecting the texture.


For longer storage, refrigeration is the best option. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Wrap the fudge in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.
  2. Place the wrapped fudge in an airtight container or a ziplock bag.
  3. Store the container in the refrigerator.

Refrigerated fudge can last up to two weeks. Remember to let it sit at room temperature before serving for the best texture.

Below is a comparison table for quick reference:

Storage Method Duration Instructions
Room Temperature Up to 1 week Wrap tightly, store in a cool, dry place
Refrigeration Up to 2 weeks Wrap tightly, store in an airtight container

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Making old-fashioned peanut butter fudge can sometimes lead to unexpected results. Let’s troubleshoot common issues to ensure your fudge turns out perfect every time.

Grainy Texture

A grainy texture is a common problem in peanut butter fudge. Here are some reasons and solutions:

  • Improper Sugar Dissolution: Ensure sugar dissolves completely before boiling.
  • Over-Stirring: Avoid stirring the mixture while it boils.
  • Temperature Issues: Use a candy thermometer to reach the right temperature.

Follow these steps to avoid a grainy texture in your fudge:

  1. Combine sugar, milk, and butter in a pot.
  2. Heat slowly, stirring until sugar dissolves.
  3. Stop stirring and let the mixture boil to 234°F (112°C).
  4. Cool the mixture without stirring until it reaches 110°F (43°C).
  5. Beat until thick, then pour into a greased pan.

Too Soft Or Hard

Fudge can turn out too soft or hard if not done right. Let’s explore the causes:

Issue Cause Solution
Too Soft Under-cooked Cook to the correct temperature.
Too Hard Over-cooked Remove from heat promptly.

Steps to achieve the perfect consistency:

  • Accurate Temperature: Use a candy thermometer.
  • Cooling Process: Let the mixture cool properly before beating.
  • Storage: Store in an airtight container at room temperature.

By following these tips, your peanut butter fudge should be just right every time.

How Do You Make Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Fudge: Easy Recipe

Variations And Add-ins

Peanut butter fudge is a timeless treat that everyone loves. But did you know you can make it even better with various add-ins and twists? Below, we’ll explore some delightful variations you can try.

Adding Chocolate

Chocolate and peanut butter are a match made in heaven. You can easily add chocolate to your old-fashioned peanut butter fudge.

  • Melted chocolate: Swirl melted chocolate into your fudge mixture before it sets.
  • Chocolate chips: Fold in chocolate chips for a delightful crunch.
  • Cocoa powder: Mix in a tablespoon of cocoa powder for a richer taste.

These methods will give your fudge a delicious chocolate twist.

Incorporating Nuts

Nuts add a wonderful texture and flavor to peanut butter fudge. Here are some options you can try:

  1. Chopped peanuts: These are a natural choice and add a crunchy texture.
  2. Walnuts: Add a slightly bitter flavor that complements the sweetness.
  3. Almonds: Provide a unique taste and a satisfying crunch.

To incorporate nuts, simply fold them into the fudge mixture before it sets.

How Do You Make Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Fudge: Easy Recipe

Frequently Asked Questions

What Ingredients Are Needed For Peanut Butter Fudge?

To make old-fashioned peanut butter fudge, you’ll need sugar, milk, butter, vanilla extract, and peanut butter. These simple ingredients come together to create a rich, creamy treat. Ensure you use high-quality peanut butter for the best results.

How Long Does It Take To Make?

Making old-fashioned peanut butter fudge typically takes about 20 minutes of active preparation. Afterward, you’ll need to let it cool and set for at least 2 hours. The total time can vary based on your kitchen conditions.

Can I Use Natural Peanut Butter?

Yes, you can use natural peanut butter, but it may affect texture. Natural peanut butter tends to be oilier and less consistent, which can result in a slightly different fudge texture. Stir the peanut butter well before using.

How Do I Store Peanut Butter Fudge?

Store peanut butter fudge in an airtight container at room temperature. It will stay fresh for up to one week. For longer storage, you can refrigerate it, which will extend its freshness to two weeks.


Creating old fashioned peanut butter fudge is simple and rewarding. Follow these steps for a delicious treat. Perfect for family gatherings or a sweet snack. Share your homemade fudge with loved ones. Enjoy the rich, creamy texture. Try this recipe today and experience a classic dessert.

Happy fudge-making!

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