How to Make an Old Fashioned With Maker’S Mark: Ultimate Guide

To make an Old Fashioned with Maker’s Mark, mix bourbon, sugar, bitters, and water. Stir and garnish with an orange twist.

The Old Fashioned is a timeless cocktail that never goes out of style. Using Maker’s Mark bourbon elevates this classic drink with its smooth, rich flavor. This cocktail is simple to make yet delivers complex, satisfying taste. Ideal for any occasion, the Old Fashioned combines the sweetness of sugar, the aromatic depth of bitters, and the robust character of bourbon.

The orange twist adds a citrusy note that complements the drink perfectly. Whether you’re a seasoned mixologist or a casual enthusiast, crafting an Old Fashioned with Maker’s Mark is a rewarding experience.

How to Make an Old Fashioned With Maker'S Mark: Ultimate Guide


How to Make an Old Fashioned With Maker’s Mark: Ingredients

Creating a perfect Old Fashioned with Maker’s Mark begins with the right ingredients. The quality of each component matters. Let’s explore the essentials.

Essential Components

Here are the key ingredients you’ll need:

Ingredient Quantity
Maker’s Mark Bourbon 2 oz
Sugar Cube 1
Angostura Bitters 2 dashes
Orange Peel 1 strip
Ice 1 large cube

Choosing The Right Bitters

Bitters add depth to your Old Fashioned. They balance the sweetness and bring complexity.

Angostura bitters are classic. They have a spicy and herbal flavor. You can also experiment with other types:

  • Orange bitters for a citrus twist
  • Chocolate bitters for a rich note
  • Cherry bitters for a fruity touch
How to Make an Old Fashioned With Maker'S Mark: Ultimate Guide

Tools Needed

Creating the perfect Old Fashioned with Maker’s Mark requires the right tools. With the correct tools, your cocktail will taste amazing. Let’s explore the necessary tools for making an Old Fashioned.

Barware Essentials

To make an Old Fashioned, you need some basic barware. These essential tools ensure your cocktail is well-crafted and delicious.

  • Rocks Glass: This is the traditional glass for an Old Fashioned. It holds the drink perfectly.
  • Jigger: A jigger helps measure the whiskey. Use it to get the perfect amount of Maker’s Mark.
  • Bar Spoon: Stirring the cocktail with a bar spoon mixes the ingredients well.
  • Muddler: A muddler crushes the sugar cube and bitters. It releases the flavors.

Optional Gadgets

While not essential, these gadgets can enhance your Old Fashioned experience. They make the process more enjoyable and add a professional touch.

  • Peeler: A peeler is great for cutting an orange peel garnish.
  • Ice Mold: An ice mold creates large ice cubes. They melt slowly and keep your drink cold.
  • Bitters Dropper: This tool allows precise control over the amount of bitters added.

Preparation Steps

Making an Old Fashioned with Maker’s Mark is a delightful experience. Follow these steps to ensure your cocktail is perfect. Each step is crucial for the best flavor.

Measuring Ingredients

Precise measurements make a balanced Old Fashioned. Gather your ingredients:

  • 2 oz Maker’s Mark Bourbon
  • 1 sugar cube
  • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
  • 1 orange peel
  • Ice cubes

Use a jigger to measure 2 oz of Maker’s Mark. Drop a sugar cube into your glass. Add 2 dashes of Angostura bitters over the sugar cube. These measurements ensure consistency.

Mixing Techniques

Proper mixing is key to a great Old Fashioned. Start by muddling the sugar cube and bitters. Use a muddler to crush the sugar cube. This dissolves the sugar in the bitters.

Next, add the Maker’s Mark Bourbon. Stir well to mix the ingredients. Stirring helps to blend the flavors smoothly.

Finally, add ice cubes to the glass. Stir again until the drink is chilled. This cools the cocktail without diluting it too much.

Finish by garnishing with an orange peel. Twist the peel over the glass to release oils. Drop the peel into the drink for extra flavor.

Enjoy your perfectly mixed Old Fashioned with Maker’s Mark!

Serving Suggestions

Serving an Old Fashioned with Maker’s Mark is a delightful experience. Your presentation can elevate the drink’s enjoyment. Pay attention to the glassware and garnish to impress your guests.

Ideal Glassware

The choice of glassware is crucial for an Old Fashioned. Use a short, wide glass. The classic Old Fashioned glass or rocks glass is perfect. This glass allows enough space for ice and garnish. The thick base keeps the drink cool longer. Choose a glass with a capacity of 6-10 ounces. This size accommodates the drink and leaves room for ice and stirring.

Garnish Ideas

A well-garnished Old Fashioned is a feast for the eyes. Traditional garnishes include an orange twist or cherry. These add both flavor and visual appeal.

  • Orange Peel: Twist it over the drink to release oils.
  • Maraschino Cherry: Place one on top for a classic touch.
  • Lemon Peel: Use for a citrusy twist.
  • Cinnamon Stick: Add for a spicy aroma.

Experiment with combinations to find your favorite garnish. The right garnish complements Maker’s Mark’s rich flavors.

Tips And Tricks

Creating the perfect Old Fashioned with Maker’s Mark requires some know-how. Follow these tips and tricks to elevate your cocktail game.

Balancing Flavors

Achieving the right balance in an Old Fashioned is crucial. The sweetness, bitterness, and strength of the bourbon must harmonize.

  • Sweetness: Use a sugar cube or simple syrup.
  • Bitterness: A few dashes of Angostura bitters.
  • Bourbon: Maker’s Mark offers a smooth, rich flavor.

Start by dissolving the sugar cube in a few dashes of bitters. Add a splash of water to help. Then, add Maker’s Mark and stir well. Ensure that every ingredient is well-mixed.

Common Mistakes

Avoid these common pitfalls to keep your Old Fashioned tasting great.

  1. Over-muddling: This releases too many oils from the fruit.
  2. Too much sugar: It can make the drink overly sweet.
  3. Wrong ice: Use large ice cubes to prevent quick dilution.
Common Mistake Solution
Over-muddling Gently muddle to release flavors without bitterness.
Too much sugar Start with a small amount and adjust.
Wrong ice Use large ice cubes to keep the drink cool.

By avoiding these mistakes, your Old Fashioned will shine. Maker’s Mark will be the star of the show.


The Old Fashioned is a timeless cocktail, but it can be fun to experiment. With Maker’s Mark, you can create delightful variations. Let’s explore some modern twists and seasonal options.

Modern Twists

Modern twists on the Old Fashioned can add excitement to your cocktail hour.

  • Maple Old Fashioned: Replace simple syrup with maple syrup.
  • Smoky Old Fashioned: Add a dash of smoky bitters.
  • Chocolate Old Fashioned: Use chocolate bitters for a rich flavor.

Seasonal Options

Seasonal options can make your Old Fashioned perfect for any time of year.

Season Variation
Winter Spiced Old Fashioned with cinnamon and nutmeg.
Spring Floral Old Fashioned with lavender bitters.
Summer Fruit Old Fashioned with fresh berries.
Fall Apple Old Fashioned with apple cider syrup.

Pairing With Food

Creating a perfect Old Fashioned with Maker’s Mark is an art. Pairing it with the right food can elevate the experience. This bourbon has a rich, smooth flavor. It pairs well with various dishes. Below are some perfect pairings for your Old Fashioned cocktail.

Appetizer Pairings

Start your evening with light appetizers. Here are some that pair well with an Old Fashioned:

  • Cheese Platter: Choose aged cheddar, gouda, and blue cheese. These cheeses match the bourbon’s richness.
  • Smoked Salmon: The smoky flavor complements the bourbon’s caramel notes.
  • Prosciutto and Melon: The salty and sweet combination pairs perfectly.

Dessert Complements

End your evening with a delightful dessert. These sweet treats pair well with an Old Fashioned:

  • Dark Chocolate: The bitterness enhances the bourbon’s sweetness.
  • Pecan Pie: The nutty flavors match the bourbon’s vanilla notes.
  • Vanilla Ice Cream: A scoop of vanilla ice cream balances the strong flavors.
How to Make an Old Fashioned With Maker'S Mark: Ultimate Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is An Old Fashioned Cocktail?

An Old Fashioned is a classic cocktail made with bourbon or rye whiskey, sugar, bitters, and a twist of citrus.

How Do You Make An Old Fashioned?

To make an Old Fashioned, mix Maker’s Mark bourbon, sugar, bitters, and ice. Stir well and garnish with an orange twist.

What Makes Maker’s Mark Ideal For An Old Fashioned?

Maker’s Mark has a smooth, rich flavor profile. Its caramel and vanilla notes complement the bitters and sugar in an Old Fashioned.

Can I Use Other Bourbons For An Old Fashioned?

Yes, you can use other bourbons, but Maker’s Mark is preferred for its unique flavor and smooth finish.


Creating an Old Fashioned with Maker’s Mark is simple and rewarding. This classic cocktail offers rich flavors. Remember to use quality ingredients for the best results. Impress your guests with this timeless drink. Enjoy your perfectly crafted Old Fashioned today!

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